
Yes..I am a klutz. We were gearing up for the Air Show and of course after the rain I knew the airfield would be wet and muddy so I ran out to find some splash pants for the kids. I thought gee wouldn't it be nice if we could spend the day at the show and not be soaked and muddy when we came home. I think this was rational thinking on my part. So off I went. I found the splash pants and a couple other things and as I was rushing about I also found a puddle of water and down I went. Now those who know me know I won't blow away in gale force winds so use your imagination to picture what I looked like falling and the sounds that accompanied me. The good news is it is only a really bad sprain. My Doctor said I would have been better off breaking my ankle. He assures me that a few weeks in this contraption will do more for repairing me than having me to use crutches. I think he is afraid I might injure myself worse. This will also allow me to continue working. So all you who have appointments booked... don't worry you'll still get your hair done.


Julie Cortens said…
nice toes!!! Hope it heals up quickly..I am sure you do NOT have time for this!

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