Road Trip

OK. So I have finally decided to tackle my holiday pictures from 2004. These were taken before our digital camera joined the family. I am finding it hard to go back and do these pictures when I have the luxury of the digital camera now and can take as many pictures as I want until I get one I am happy with. The paper doesn't really match anything from the photos but because they are holiday pictures and the paper is so happy and fun I decided that I am going to just make this a fun and happy layout because that is how I was feeling on our holidays.


Laura said…
I hate those pictures that don't match up with anything and they are extremely hard to do. I am liking circles! Also why I haven't done any too old photos...too hard! Good job Sheryl!
Julie Cortens said…
Very nice layout and the old photos don't matter. You are right, it is the fun we want to remember and so if the paper and the page says fun, then go for it! It isn't about having a 'perfect' layout. It is about recording wonderful (and sometimes not so wonderful)family memories.

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