Flowers for a Director

I know I have been lax in my blogging lately and I am sorry. I have been busy directing our Sunday School Christmas play/program for the last 6 weeks and have not had the time I wanted for all the other things that bring me joy. The play was Sunday night and was a success. The children were exceptional and the adults were wonderful! I had a great cast. The Sunday School gifted me with a beautiful Christmas arrangement for my hard work and the children gifted me with a lovely bouquet. I was very touched, it is always nice to be thanked for your hard work and willingness to give of your time. With that being said I found my Christmas Spirit this weekend. Our Pastor has been speaking on making time for Christ this season and I focused my program on that same theme and as I thought about his message and watched our play I realized that in my busyness I had not made the time to put Christ in the center of my Christmas. I was too busy trying to be perfect, too busy with my children, too busy with my husband, too busy with my clients and their hair needs and yes I was even too busy with my church. I hadn't taken the time to be thankful and grateful for the gift that was given to all of us ....the reason we have Christmas....Jesus Christ our Savior. I reevaluated my motives and my wants and needs and busyness, I found my center again and finally have a smile and a gladness for this Christmas season, a purpose as to why I am Celebrating Christmas.


Julie Cortens said…
Wow - beautiful flowers. You are so right. I too have been too busy to put Christ first, to meditate on Him, to make Him my reason and not guilt, pride or duty.
"I have set the LORD always before me; because he is at my right hand, I shall not be shaken.
Therefore my heart is glad, and my whole being rejoices; my flesh also dwells secure." Psa 16:8,8
Have a wonderful Christmas Sheryl!

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