Campingout for tickets

I have the BEST friend in the WORLD. She camped out at Just Scrap IT! last night so that we could be first in line. I left her there at Midnight and returned this morning at 5AM. Those that gathered early with us had a blast chatting and shivering and enjoying the sunrise. None of us can wait until the 25th & 26th of April.


April D said…
lol...ahh memories...would you be able to email me a few of your photos from Sat as I forgot my
Angie said…
Now this is dedication to your favorite scrapbook store!!
Julie Cortens said…
Oh this is too funny! I am assuming you gals will be at the convention - and what era do you plan to dress up as?
You really have to scrap book these photos soon.
Amanda said…
5 AM?? You certainly had us beat! See you at the crop! LOL
E said…
'twas fun hanging out with ya! Just wait till the crop actually starts! *hugs*
Laura said…
I'm sad I missed out on registration again this time, but I did have a great time in Calgary. Love the pictures Sheryl and scrapbooking them and looking back years later will be fun!

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