Fall Trade Show

My Friend April is taking part in a trade show this weekend and she has asked me to put the info up on my blog for all to see. So if you are in Saskatoon and area please go check it out. She will be selling CLOSE TO MY HEART . Please go check it out and tell her you saw the info on my blog.

Fall Kickoff Trade Show

All of your favourite home-based businesses together under one roof, one day only!
- Close To My HeartGold Canyon, Candles, Body, Home
- Epicure Spices
- Mary Kay-Latasia-Melaleuca-Home and Gift-Love Your Bag-Stampin’ Up-Tupperware
and more!
When: Saturday, September 13 , 2008 10:00 am to 3:00 pm
Where: Lawson Civic Centre 225 Primrose Dr

Admission is free! And anyone is welcome, so invite everyone you know!Great gift ideas for Christmas, Birthdays and Weddings!

**Place an order, book a show or take your purchases home with you!Door prizes and so much more!Double prize tickets given in first hour of operation.Prizes drawn for every half hour starting at 11:30Don't miss an amazing opportunity!My personal specials are:No S&H on all orders placed that day!(not applicable with any orders for my splurge clubs)Book a Show and receive a free gift from me!All orders over $50 recieve a free stamp pad of your choice with your order!(not applicable with any orders for my splurge clubs)As well, I will be clearing out my overstock and will have many cash/cheque and carry items!**


April D said…
Thanks a bunch...I'll drop a little goody off for ya one day...if your not home I'll just pop it in your mailbox.

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