And the winner is.......

I attended Sask Scraps last weekend. What a hoot. I got to meet and take a class with Allison Orthner. Wow!!!!This lady is fantastic! If you ever get to take one of her classes do so. Jill Hildebrand is a riot! Leica Forrest is amazing! Yes I had a good time. I did a little shopping, a little scrapping and a lot of visiting.

I was encouraged by friends and family to enter some layouts for I did. Holy Smokes did I represent.LOL. I had 2 LO's chosen for Honorable mention and 1 will be published in Canadian Scrapbooker Magazine. WOW!!!It's been a week and I think I am still floating on cloud nine.LOL. Here I am posing with Jackie Ludlage from Canadian Scrapbooker Magazine. This lady is so much fun to hang with.

I can't show you a picture of my winning LO but I will post my honorable mention LO's over the weekend.

I am so excited to announce that my friend Andrea Hipkin also had multiple wins on the weekend and will have a page published in Canadian Scrapbooker Basics. Yeah Andrea!!!!!


Your layouts were awesome Sheryl! Just goes to prove that old saying you never know until you try!
Amanda said…
I am so happy for you, girl! You deserve it!
Leica said…
absolutely deserved it! your style is unique and the result is well deserved!!!! can't wait to see it in print! will you sign my mag?
Kate said…
Woo HOO! Way to go! Can not WAIT to see it!!!
Dale Anne said…
Forgot to privately CONGRATULATE you this weekend - Keep up the GREAT work!
Julie Cortens said…
WOW!!! Congrats!! Well deserved. I knew it wouldn't belong before we saw you in print!

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