
Hi everyone. I had such great intentions of keeping my blog up this summer but life has once again gotten in the way. I have a very close family member in the hospital right now. The Dr.'s are preparing us for the worst. They are not optimistic that he will survive. He is battling a very serious infection and the medications that are supposed to help him fight the infection are causing his kidneys to shut down. I have been "living" at the hospital for the last 10 days. My poor husband and children have been left to fend for themselves. I am living on coffee and little sleep.

DH has a few days off this week so I hope to lock myself in my scrap room and create some art. I need to find a day to just decompress.

I will still be making my draw on June 30th so remember to sign up to be a follower of my blog.


Julie Cortens said…
Hey Sheryl, pace yourself and make sure you get sleep and take in more than coffee. I do hope your loved one responds to the meds soon and without any ramifications. I hope you get to find a little time to yourself as well.
Thinking of you!
April D said…
Still have you in my prayers girl. I was just thinking yesturday of you and wondering how it was going. Stay strong and try to take care of yourself in the meantime. Thinking of you!

Take care, and God be with you!
Andrea said…
Was thinking about you today! Hope you're getting lotsa rest and lotsa support! Call anytime you need!
Take care!
Kate said…
Thinking of you lady!!! We need a serious scrapfest when all our chaos has settled down. xox

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