Fireworks Festival


We went to the Fireworks Festival last night. The kids had their faces painted. The group Scyap Inc.that was doing it did a fantastic job. The kids had fun and I got to play around with the settings on my camera trying to capture the Fireworks.
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We missed it AGAIN! Instead we were sitting around a fire drinking......Pimm's. Perfect night for it!
Andrea said…
So glad you guys had a great time! Love the faces!

Jenn said…
Love the faces! Awesome capture of the fireworks!
KMP Photography said…
I live under a rock, I swear, how did I not know about the Fireworks Festival?

Great face painting photos. Love firework photos, never tire of them.
Kate said…
How do you collage your photos like that? Can you print them like that? I need HELP! My creativity far out weighs my technical ability. When are we hooking up?

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