14 years ago

Fourteen years ago I married my best friend. We've grown alot during these past years. The day we got married we had no jobs and no place to live. One week later we ahd a place to live but still no jobs. :) Off we went on our Honeymoon. We'll stress over the job thing when we get back. We have never looked back. We have no regrets. We have loved fiercely, laughed daily and chosen to remain together and work at it. Four children later and we are happier and more in love now than we were then. I couldn't imagine my life with out Ray. We may be complete opposites but I thik that's what keeps it interesting and sometimes frusterating. I look forward to walking down this road together untill we're unable to walk anymore. We'll be hand in hand,finding the humor in whatever life continues to throw at us. Happy Anniversary Ray. I love you.




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Julie Cortens said…
Love these photos. Congratulations on 14 years of love and friendship and four kidlets. Here's to 50 more!....years of wedded bliss - not kidlets.
KMP Photography said…
Love the photos and oh the hair!!! Love the hair! I mean I really love the hair!

Congrats you two.
Gotta go with the Karen - LOVE the hair.
Congrat's on the anniversary and may there be many many more hair raising years of bliss to come :)
Jenn said…
Happy Anniversary!

And thanks for sharing such a very special post :)
Leica Forrest said…
I of course am with the girls, congrats, but the hair is wicked. Here's to many more.
Kate said…
Oh the HAIR! Those were the good old days! Congratulations you guys.

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