
I really, really like how this page developed. I've got some vintage  goodness on here as well as lots of distressing. There is hidden journalling behind the picture..just pull on the tag. I painted the chipboard letters and then  sanded them here and there before applying Crackle Accents. The Pattern Paper is from Basic Grey and it's called Basic. :) Some of the  flowers are Prima and the rest are just from my stash. (I'll let you in on a little secret, I have a huge rubber tote full of flowers. There really isn't any room in the tote for more but..... have you seen the new releases from Prima?? I think it's time to get a bigger tote.) The white branch is from a big sprig I picked up on my wonderings. A little Vintage lace finishes off the page. I love how it mimics the branches in the photo.

Journalling reads: We spent the day at Beaver Creek Conservation  with friends. Upon arrival we received paper cups full of birdseed to feed to the Chickadees. You spent most of your time trying to get them to come and eat from your hand. You were so hopeful. One look at your face tells me they never came.


Lynn Stevens said…
Great layers, I love how your laces peeks out from behind the page, and your branches are way cool!

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