
Yes 2008 has began. What is it you want to achieve this year? What are you waiting for? The right time?The perfect picture? Life is short. Don't wait. I attended my first funeral of 2008 on January 2nd. A dear lady,good friend and Sister in Christ went home to be with her Maker. Terri lost her long battle with cancer on December 28th. She didn't go easily she fought with everything she had. She never waited for anything. Life was already right and perfect because she was alive. She was living and experiencing life.

I want to take a page from her book this year and LIVE. I don't want to wait for the right time, the perfect whatever. We scrapbook to preserve our memories for our children, about our family, our life, our childhood, their childhood.....Why do we hoard our supplies waiting for the right time to use them? Isn't today, right now the right time to use it. Open that expensive embellie you bought. Cut that pretty piece of paper. Make the time right now to do that "special "picture. Tomorrow might not come for us. Right now is the right time. bold...write down your thoughts and feelings...try something new you just might like it...Just don't let 2008 slip by without having lived it the way you want.


Julie Cortens said…
Amen!You have inspired me!

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