Punk Artist
Ok, so I'm brushing my teeth the other night and it's late as usual, when I am hit with inspiration....wouldn't my T-shirt make a great layout? I answered myself with a yes..yes it would make a great layout. So the next day I head off to Just Scrap It! for supplies and here is my interpretation of my T-shirt.
Layout #1. I used paper and painted a transparency for the lightning bolt, Not bad results but not what I was after.
Layout #2. I took a page from Wilna and painted my page. OH MY GOSH!!!!!!!!!SO MUCH FUN!!!!!!!!Yes I had a hoot doing this page. I think paint may be used again very soon.
I used a new Mod Podge on the Lightning so cool it leaves the brush strokes behind. Loved it, this will be something else that I will use again soon.
