I'm Free

Well my baby turned three on Friday. I celebrated this day with mixed emotions. I am so not ready to no longer have a baby in the house. I can't believe that Ruby-Jean is three. She's my Baby and has grown up so fast. I think this has something to do with having 3 older siblings. She is in fact racing thru her toddler years and heading for her teens at breakneck speed. She is my clown she makes me laugh. She lightens my worries and stresses with a hug and an "I Love You Mommy". She is spoiled by everyone in this house but that's ok. She's the baby and we love her. Happy Birthday Baby. Please stay little just a little longer ok?
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Anonymous said…

can you believe it... you won the RAk at my blog. whata coinky dink.. email your info asap.

E said…
She is too adorable.. WOW!! All out of the baby stage!

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