45 Record Album
Sorry about the poor quality of my photos and the sideways one. My computer and camera just weren't being very user compatible tonight.
I made this album from 2 old 45 record albums. My inside pages were cut using my coluzzle.(boy am I happy I invested in this.) I made the album to hold all the ticket stubs from outings with the family this summer and to jot down little notes and what nots about said outings. It was fun to make and was a departure for me as I prefer to design around pictures not design and then add pictures. I used the CUPCAKE line from Basic Grey. I think Basic Grey is one of my favorite lines. (it seems to be the one I have the most of ;).

I made this album from 2 old 45 record albums. My inside pages were cut using my coluzzle.(boy am I happy I invested in this.) I made the album to hold all the ticket stubs from outings with the family this summer and to jot down little notes and what nots about said outings. It was fun to make and was a departure for me as I prefer to design around pictures not design and then add pictures. I used the CUPCAKE line from Basic Grey. I think Basic Grey is one of my favorite lines. (it seems to be the one I have the most of ;).