
Today is shaping up to be a great day. The tire is fixed on the van. YEAH!!! It is gorgeous outside today +4 is the forcasted high. I'm going scrapping with a bunch of friends tonight.I really need to get out of the house. I hope my creativity is flowing tonight when I get to my favorite place to play...Just Scrap IT! It's the last Friday of January which means winter is sort of maybe kinda coming to an end? only a few more weeks and we should be able to smell spring in the air. It has been such a long winter because it has been so cold. You know that kind of cold where your nostrils freeze shut when you breathe. I hope to get some photos taken this weekend of pages I have done so keep checking back to see what I have come up with.


Kate said…
You are SO TOTALLY "googleable". Is that a word? It is now! Thanks for the great time tonight!
April D said…
I like the new look!
E said…
Love the new look on your blog! Hope you enjoyed your day and your evening out! Can't wait to scrapbook again! *hugs* love reading your blog BTW!

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