Happy New Year

By my clock it is 12:52. 2009 has been here for 52 minutes already. We had super friends over for supper, games and refreshments. We had a great time. It is the first New Years Eve we have celebrated in years. Usually we are so sick with colds or the flu or the kids are so sick that we miss the New Years arrival.
What do I want 2009 to be like? I haven't really decided yet. 2008 wasn't a bad year for us. We were stretched a little and grew a lot, but isn't every year a little like that? 2008 was filled with friends and laughter,celebrations and get-togethers. We saw some friends get married, others had babies and sadly we lost some friends along the way too.
I look back on the year that passed and think that it was a pretty good year maybe not as good as some but better than others, can't that be true for most years?
I don't know what 2009 will bring but I am sure looking forward to the ride. It is never boring and it's always kind of exciting to see what is waiting for us just around the next corner.

Happy New Years Everyone!!!


Julie Cortens said…
Happy New Year Sheryl,
May the Lord bless you and your family richly in the coming year.

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