Pictures from the Farm

We were out at my my Father in law's farm for Mother's Day weekend. It was a gorgeous weekend and I couldn't resist doing a little photo shoot with the kids. This old car made for a fabulous backdrop. The kids thought it was fun to be able to crawl all over it and "pose" for me.

Our next stop was this old wagon wheel. I love how it turned out.
This was my favorite picture of the weekend though. I love it. I love that Opa and Ruby are holding hands as they walk together. I love how the sun is side lighting Ruby's hair and how it is creating this white halo on my Father-in-law. I love his hair. It is snow white and so soft. This picture just speaks to me of family and memories of my own Grandfather and walking with him hand in hand. I think my most favorite part of this picture is that they didn't know I was behind them. This photo just speaks to me of a Grandfather's Love.


April D said…
I love the wagon wheel photo Sheryl!
Julie Cortens said…
Love the photos - they remind me so much of my four at these wonderful ages. How I wish I was into photography then and able to capture these precious times!
Kate said…
You should send that waling away pic to CS! I love it!
essie said…
awesome pictures.

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