Giveaway draw

I made the drawing for my blog giveaway....the lunchbox filled with goodies at Midnight last night and the winner is:

Blogger Jenn said...
6. Happy Everyday :) What an exciting giveaway full of creative inspiration! ovcgh June 15, 2010 3:55 PM

Congratulations Jenn. Send me your info and I will send you your goodies. :) :)


Jenn said…
oooh, ooooooooh. That`s me :) I never win anything!!! So thank you so very much. And happy happy happy birthday. I really am in desperate need of some inspiration and I have no doubt I will be inspired by these goodies!

How about when I am in the city next, I`ll let you know and maybe we can work something out...
sassy said…
he he secret playgrounds are so fun! Good playground staff is ultimate-ours is north park wilson, ok staff but not sparkley......where is yoru fav park?!

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