Custom Jean Patches Tutorial

I live in a house where everyone wears the knees out of their jeans. All 4 of my children and my Husband too. I used to send all our pants to my MIL to be fixed but she is unable to do it anymore. So I was thinking with all the nice material and patterns on the market and all the cutting systems too that making some cool patches shouldn't be too hard. The patches turned out awesome and my kids loved them. What do you think??

I used cotton/cotton blend and flannel fabrics. The first thing I did was to apply heat and bond to the back of the fabric. This stiffens up the fabric and for non-sewers allows you to then iron the fabric onto your project with no sewing involved. I do find that I do need to sew it on to anything that will be going through the washing machine.

I love the versatility of my Making Memories Slice. There are so many cartridges to choose from so no matter what kind of a custom patch design you want, you should be able to find it. Keep in mind you can't cut heavier fabrics with the Slice.I use my Big Shot and dies to cut heavier fabrics like denim. Select your image and cut.

There are many ways to address how to prepare the jeans for patching. I find it is easiest to rip open the inside seem or the seem that doesn't have fancy stitching with a seem ripper. This allows me lots of room to work .

Too prepare the spot I am patching I remove the tattered material and make a nice square hole. I then measure and cut a piece of denim to fit from old jeans that I keep on hand just for patches.

I sew around the perimeter of the patch with at straight stitch and sew around the cut area with a zig zag stitch. I usually go around twice just to help keep any fraying in check. Now because I used heat and bond on my patch I iron it on and then zig zag stitch around it. I do this twice also.

This is what the back side of the patch looks like. I don't worry too much about the fraying on the patch edges. By the time these are frayed and need to be replaced the jeans are either toast or the kids have out grown them.

I zig zag sew the seem back together (do this twice) and the jeans are done and ready to wear.


Bamm-ela said…
Way to go on the jeans and the tutorial, Sheryl! You are super inspired and inspiring in this New Year! Keep up the great work!
Sheryl said…
Thanks Bamm-ela. :)

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